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  • Can I cancel my booking for free?
    Free Cancellation up until 30 days before the event. Less than 30 days before the event: No free cancellation unless weather related or in the case of severe emergency.
  • What happens if there's bad weather the day of my event?
    Because most of our events are outside, we keep a close eye on the weather leading up to your event. We will cancel the event if heavy rainfall or winds over 25 km per hour are predicted. If it's on and off showers, we will play it by ear. If your booking is cancelled due to weather, there is no cancellation fee and a full refund will be issued if payment has already been made.
  • How safe are the inflatables?
    Our equipment is inspected and registered yearly with Technical Safety BC. We take safety very seriously and will provide you with a written set of safety guidelines to prevent physical injury. When the safety guidelines are followed, the inflatables are perfectly safe and fun to play on!
  • When is payment due and how do I pay?
    Payment is due when we arrive at your event after we set-up your inflatables. You can pay with cash, cheque or etransfer. Cheques can be made out to Party Kings Co. Etransfers can be sent to: A Direct Deposit form can be provided upon request.

Before You Book

Setup Requirements


Setup time will occur BEFORE the 5 hour rental time period. Setup times may be earlier and take down times may be later depending on our delivery schedule.

Route to set-up area must be easy to access and reasonably free of stairways, doorways, uneven terrain and steep inclines. For additional hours (if available) the cost is $20 per unit per hour.


Ground Conditions

​ Our inflatables must be setup on a level, smooth, surface that is free of debris or anything sharp.


We will happily setup on:

  • Concrete or Pavement

  • Grass (must be a level area)

  •  Indoors (Once we confirm ceiling height)

  • Gravel that is small in size without sharp rocks or large stones


Power Requirements

All equipment rentals require access to power within 100ft.

Power must be 1 -120V Outlet (standard home outlet) with a separate breaker per blower. We supply all power cords needed.

Our  basic single bouncy castles require one blower/one outlet. Our obstacle courses require 3-5 blowers which will each need a separate breaker. Please confirm that you have adequate power supply BEFORE booking.


Generator Rentals

Depending on availability, generator rentals are available for $120 per generator for a 5 hour rental including fuel. One generator counts as 2 outlets.​

You may need more than one generator depending on the size and number of inflatables you are renting. 



All inflatables MUST be supervised during use by someone over the age of 18yrs. The attendant is responsible for ensuring proper use of equipment and preventing injury by implementing our safety guidelines at all times.


If you cannot provide your own attendant, we may be able to provide attendants (depending on availability) at $40 per hour per attendant.


Weather Conditions

Our Bouncy Castles and Inflatable Equipment cannot be used in the following weather:

  • Wind over 25km an hour

    • If the wind picks up while the equipment is under your supervision, please deflate immediately and contact us.

  • Non-Stop Heavy Rains

    • If the equipment becomes wet while under your supervision, please keep children off of equipment and do not deflate until we have arrived for pickup

    • The equipment will become slippery and can be dangerous when wet

  • In the event of 25km Wind and Heavy Rain

    • Please keep guests off of equipment, immediately deflate the equipment, and contact us.


If the weather takes a turn for the worst after we have left our office for delivery, payment in full is still due as we have fulfilled our contract obligations and are not in control of unforeseen weather circumstances.


Cancelling your Inflatable

You may cancel your booking for free at least 30 days before your event. After this time, refunds will only be issued due to weather related cancellations or severe emergencies.



Payment is due upon our arrival at your event. You can make payments by cash, cheque or etransfer.

Cheques can be made out to Party Kings Co.

Etransfers can be sent to:

Receipts will be sent by email upon request.


Delivery Fees


A delivery fee only applies to deliveries that are a 45+ minute drive outside of Williams Lake City Limits. Driving times will be determined by Google Maps up to 2 hours. (Delivery prices have been temporarily increased due to high gas prices. Thank you for understanding.)

over 30 min drive: $75

over 45 min drive: $100

over 1 hour drive: $150

over 1.5 hour drive: $175

over 2 hour drive: $200

Beyond this distance please contact for quote based on mileage.


Safety Info


Insurance and Covid19 Policies

We are insured with 3 million liability insurance and event coverage. We are happy to provide you with our certificate of insurance upon request.


Our castles are cleaned meticulously after every rental up to covid19 cleaning standards. We pride ourselves on providing you with quality, clean and safe equipment. We are happy to wear masks upon request.


Technical Safety BC

Party Kings Co. is licensed by, monitored by and registered with Technical Safety BC. All of our units are inspected and registered yearly. You can find us in the Technical BC Safety Registry Here: Find a licensed contractor | Technical Safety BC Party Kings Co.


Rental Agreement

To ensure that our equipment is used properly and safely, we've outlined the proper use of our equipment in our Rental Agreement and Waiver. This will be provided by email for you to read over and sign before your event. We will also provide you with a physical copy to reference- when we deliver the inflatables.​






WeatherRelated Cancellations
Delivery Fees
Safety Info
Power Needs
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